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Foreign Affairs

Congress has a constitutional role in the country’s interactions with foreign nations.  In an exceedingly complex but integrated world, foreign policy is more important than ever. President Trump’s America first policy has led to the strengthening of the country. The United States is the greatest country in the world and the only real global power. It is far past time that we acted like it and stopped apologizing. The time has come for America to lead.  

Unlike what the media would have you believe, Conservatism is spreading throughout the world. The election of Boris Johnson and Brexit are proof that the world is getting tired of the push for progressive, far-left values. My purpose is the continue the fight to keep America first in our foreign policy.   

Withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement

The Paris Agreement was entered without Congressional approval and would not have any significant on the climate, costing the United States approximately $25,000,000,000 and 2,700,000 jobs by 2025. In 2017, President Trump announced his intention to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. This past November was our first opportunity to withdraw officially. I co-sponsored H. Res. 676 that would submit official resignation of the Paris Agreement.

Termination of Islamic Republic of Pakistan as a designated ally

I co-sponsored a bill to terminate the designation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as a major non-NATO ally. The Haqqani Network is an extremely dangerous insurgent group with significant ties to the Taliban operating out of Pakistan. This bill is designed to make sure the president and Congress take steps to eliminate Pakistan’s assistance with this terrorist organization.

Supporting India in recent attacks

In February 2019, a suicide bomber killed 40 Indians in the Pulwama District, near Kashmir. The terrorist organization Jaish-e-Mohammad is based in Pakistan. I co-sponsored H. Res. 261 condemning this attack, honoring the 40 Indian paramilitary force members who lost their lives. This resolution also recognizes the threat Jaish-e-Mohammad poses to the region and calls on the Pakistani government to end its support of these internationally recognized terrorist organizations.

Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2019

Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, stated “It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations, and to extend its power to the entire planet.” Sayyid Qutb, a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood in the mid-20th century, wanted to extend Sharia law throughout the entire globe. Many groups connected to the Muslim Brotherhood are terrorist organizations and the top Muslim countries consider the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. All these reasons and more are why the United States should classify the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. In May 2019, I co-sponsored H. Res. 2412 requesting the Secretary of State to make this classification in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. 

Standing with Israel

As our strongest ally in the Middle East, it is in the vital interest of the United States to stand together with Israel against a rising tide of extremism.  Our two nations must show the courage necessary to thwart existential threats to Israel and to make the hard choices necessary to ensure peace.  For this reason and more, I am a member of the bipartisan United States Israel Allies Caucus.  I am also an ardent supporter of Israel, and I have taken numerous actions to support this nation during my time in Congress.

Israel is a welcoming country, which provides a safe home for many Muslims, Christians, and other religious minorities.  It also is a home for people with different ethnic backgrounds.  It was, however, founded after the Holocaust on the basis that the Jewish people need a land and a nation they can call home. Israel was the ancestral home of the Jewish people, but because it is the one country with a Jewish majority and was described as a democratic “Jewish State” during its founding, it is the constant victim of a despicable campaign of anti-Jewish hatred.

I abhor antisemitism and will not tolerate racial or ethnic hatred.  This principle guided me in voting to remove the racist Rep. Omar from her committee and to oppose aid to Nazis in Ukraine.   I have put this principal in action:

1.    I’ve co-sponsored a bill (H.Res.246) that opposes the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (or BDS) Movement, which is a movement dripping with antisemitic sentiment and seeks to punish Israeli people and businesses – which would also hurt innocent Palestinians who rely on many of those businesses for jobs.

2.    Additionally, I joined my colleagues in voting for and passing H. Res. 382, a resolution condemning antisemitism.

3.    In February of 2019, I sent a letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to investigate the use of Title VI funding by the University of Arizona's Center for Middle Eastern Studies to promote pro-BDS teachings. The University of Arizona, and all Arizona institutions for higher education, are the crown jewel of our state and shape the next generation of American private and public leaders. Using government funds to fund this biased teaching does not comply with government rules and hurts the reputations of our institutions, and I continue to push for oversight to protect this esteemed tradition. 

4.    I have also fought against any attacks on the sovereignty of Israel coming from within our own government. When House Democrats penned a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatening to cut off funding to Israel should it take action in the West Bank, I joined a counter letter pushing back on the politicized and false information expressed in the Democratic letter.  This letter recognized the strong friendship existing between our nations, clearly highlighted continuous efforts by Israel to make peace in the West Bank, and the fact that the Palestinians met these diplomatic overtures with violence. I continue to fight in Congress to make sure our foreign interests remain in supporting and deepening our relations with Israel while also pushing back on anti-Israel sentiments within our own government. 

5.    I have led and supported multiple measures to strengthen our ties with Israel through both military and economic partnerships.  These efforts include:

a. Passing multiple amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act in support of Israel’s inherent right to self-defense against regional aggression;

b. H.Res.485, expressing solidarity with the people of Israel in the wake of terrorist attacks and condemning the Palestinian Authority for inciting violence;

c. H.Res.551, recognizing the importance of the US-Israel economic relationship and encouraging new areas of cooperation; 

d. H.Res.729, expressing support for a new Memorandum of Understanding on military assistance to Israel;

e. H.Res.311, which encourages strengthening the direction of peace and normalization of relations with Israel through the Abraham Accords.  These are just a handful of examples in which I have stood with the Israeli people.  Rest assured that as your Congressman, I will continue to support Israel and seek peace through strength.

f. In April 2023, I spoke at an event honoring Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, stating that she was a “legendary figure” and one of the world’s most effective leaders, and that “The United States will be forever grateful for the crucial role Golda Meir played in shaping our countries … I hope we are allies and friends forever.”  

g. In April 2023, I released a statement reiterating my opposition to U.S. involvement with, and assistance to, Ukraine, because it openly promotes Nazis in its culture and military.  I said “$100 billion of your tax money is going to help Nazis … I will never support Nazis and I condemn our country’s support and military aid to Nazis.”  

h. In May 2023, an op-ed noted “Never mind that Cong. Gosar has spoken publicly in favor of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Or that as a congressman, he routinely votes in favor of continued military aid for Israel—by far the largest recipient of US foreign aid and military support since its founding in 1948.” 

I. I was one of less than a dozen House members to co-sponsor The Stand With Israel Act of 2014, H.R. 1337, which would have cut all aid to the Palestinian Authority because of its terrorist attacks on Israel. 

j. In December 2015, I was one of 27 members of Congress to send a letter to the Obama state department asking it to revoke the diplomatic status of the Palestinian Authority in Washington, D.C. and close that office. This was in response to months of incitement to violence by the PA against Jews.  

k. In March 2019, I joined a dozen of my colleagues in a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asking the U.S. to implore Jordan to extradite a terrorist to the United States for trial.  

l. I have been systematically critical of the Obama Administration’s efforts to assist Iran with building a nuclear bomb, and equally critical of the Biden Administration for the same reason.   This tweet is typical of my criticism: “08/29/2022: Tweet – “The Biden regime resorting to the failed Iran Obama policies.”

m. In April 2023, I, along with a dozen colleagues, attended an event on Capitol Hill honoring Jewish American Heritage Month.

n. In November 2017, I participated in a House Oversight subcommittee on National Security hearing on moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.   I made my views clear then, and now, that the United States should honor the chosen capital of Israel, which is Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv. 

o. In July 2014, I issued a statement, providing in part: “I introduced an amendment to the FY15 National Defense Authorization Act in order to fully support Israel’s lawful exercise of self-defense, including actions to halt aggression. It is time that our actions speak louder than our words. Recently, Israel intercepted Iranian-funded weapons headed for Gaza. Unfortunately, this is part of a long culture of providing weapons and rocket parts to terrorist cells based in the Gaza strip. Therefore, Israel should have the absolute right to protect her citizen’s from attacks launched by Hamas terrorists. If we do not stand in support of Israel, we will witness the demise of our greatest ally in the Middle East due to lack of support and action from the White House. I urge all my House colleagues  to remain committed towards pushing this Administration to firmly stand behind Israel.”

p. In February 2023, I voted to remove Rep. Omar from her foreign affairs committee, explaining:  “Representative Omar has pursued a reckless and fundamentally anti-American agenda while in the United States House of Representatives.  She regularly engages with racists, supports and condones racism, and champions anti-American sentiments.  Through it all, she has expressed a deep hatred for Jewish people and Israel.   It is because of her hate filled tirades against Jews and Israel that she has been barred from traveling to Israel.  Representative Omar has no place on the House Foreign Affairs committee, which often addresses issues with Israel.   Ms. Omar is not the exception; however, she is representative of the racism and antisemitism endemic of many on the Left today.  … We cannot allow a person who acts with such dishonor, with such open hostility against our Jewish friends, or a person so seething with hatred and bile such as Representative Omar, to serve on this important committee.  It is a fair question whether she should serve in Congress at all,” concluded Representative Gosar.  

q. I spoke on the House Floor against the creation of a Palestinian state as long as the PA did not renounce terrorism.  You can watch me here.  

r. In July 2011, my amendment to defund Hamas and Hezbollah passed the House:  “On July 7, 2011, the United States House of Representatives passed an amendment to HR 2219 sponsored by U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, DDS (AZ-01), that prohibited the use of any military funds, or military assistance, to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Iran, and Hezbollah.  Gosar stated, “until the Muslim Brotherhood recognizes Israel’s right to peacefully co-exist, no U.S. military assistance should be provided to an Egypt controlled even in part by the Muslim Brotherhood.”  In a rare bipartisan vote, the House adopted the Gosar Amendment unanimously.

s. In May 2021, I issued a statement condemning the rocket attacks being lobbed on Israeli citizens.  

t. In May 2014, I successfully offered an amendment to the NDAA that was reported as follows: “A second, similar section of the bill, first sponsored by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), states that “Congress declares that it is the policy of the United States to fully support Israel’s lawful exercise of self-defense, including actions to halt regional aggression.” The Gosar amendment did not, however, delineate the terms of that “support.” 

u. In February 2020, I attended the AIPAC dinner in Phoenix, celebrating our strong support for Israel.  Tweet and picture here. I have also routinely attended AIPAC events in Washington, D.C.

v. In November 2020, I authored a letter to the Secretary of State seeking intervention of Iran’s efforts to sell long range missiles to Venezuela.   I worked closely with EMET, an Israel policy think tank and advocacy group.  EMET stated “EMET is proud to share a Congressional letter written in collaboration with Paul A. Gosar’s office (R, AZ).”  

w. In June 2023, I met with members of the Liska Jewish community to assist them with resolving an issue in Hungary regarding a sacred cemetery in rural Hungary.  

6.    As with all countries, my biggest foreign policy goal is to have a positive and peaceful relationship which encourages prosperity.  A more independent Israel is a stronger Israel.  Less dependence on the United States means the people of Israel can better champion their destiny.  Until that day arrives, I will continue to support our ally, and our Jewish friends in Israel, just as I have since being first elected in 2011.  


I have been a consistent supporter of sanctions against Iran, one of the greatest threats to Israel.  Sanctions are a crucial tool to limit the power of Iran and the terrorist organizations that it supports, including Hamas and Hezbollah.  I voted in favor of increased sanctions each time they were brought before the House and these sanctions crippled the Iranian economy and crushed their currency, the rial.  Perhaps the strongest of those bills was H.R. 850, the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act, from the 113th Congress.  That bill increased terrorism and human rights sanctions, economic and financial sanctions, and promoted divestment from Iranian companies.

Recently, I co-sponsored H.Res. 374, Condemning Iranian state-sponsored terrorism and expressing support for the Iranian people’s desire for a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear republic of Iran. This resolution calls on European allies to help hold Iran accountable and stands with peaceful Iranian protestors who are holding Iran’s corrupt and oppressive regime accountable.

I fought adamantly against the disastrous Iran Deal, which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rightfully called a “historic mistake.”  The deal lifts sanctions almost immediately rather than tying them to verifiable progress; it does not allow for a sufficient inspections regime; fails to curb Iran’s ballistic missile program; and allows Iran to keep its advanced centrifuges.  Further, the arms embargo will become porous in the near term and will be completely lifted in five years—all while freeing up hundreds of millions of dollars to the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.  We also learned that the U.S. flew $400 million in ransom money to Iran as part of the hostage negotiation.  Each of these provisions makes this so called ‘deal’ unacceptable.  For these reasons, I was proud to join the House in voting against approval of the proposed Iran deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, by a vote of 269-162; voting in favor of restricting President Obama from lifting current sanctions against Iran, by a vote of 247-186; and voting 245-186 to find that the Obama broke the law by not disclosing multiple side agreements.  CLICK HERE to read more.